 * Copyright 1989, 1992 O'Reilly and Associates, Inc.
 * See ../Copyright for complete rights and liability information.

 * xcomstring.c - simple test of compound strings, modifying fonts

 * Header files required for all Toolkit programs
#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>     /* Intrinsics definitions */
#include <Xm/Xm.h>    /* Standard Motif definitions */

 * Public header file for widgets we actually use in this file.
#include <Xm/PushB.h>     /* Motif PushButton Widget */

main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
    XtAppContext app_context;
    Widget topLevel;
    XmString text;
    XmString s1, s2, s3, s4;
    Widget hello;
    static String string1 = "Specify the ",
                  string2 = "character set ",
                  string3 = "in the code.";

    XtSetLanguageProc(NULL, (XtLanguageProc)NULL, NULL);

    topLevel = XtVaAppInitialize(
            &app_context,       /* Application context */
            "XComstring",       /* Application class */
            NULL, 0,            /* command line option list */
            &argc, argv,        /* command line args */
            NULL,               /* for missing app-defaults file */
            NULL);              /* terminate varargs list */

    s1 = XmStringCreate(string1, "tag1");
    s2 = XmStringCreate(string2, "tag2");
    s3 = XmStringCreate(string3, "tag1");

    s4 = XmStringConcat(s1, s2);

    text = XmStringConcat(s4, s3);

    hello = XtVaCreateManagedWidget(
	    "hello",			/* arbitrary widget name */
	    xmPushButtonWidgetClass,	/* widget class from PushButton.h */
	    topLevel,			/* parent widget */
            XmNlabelString, text,
	    NULL);              	/* terminate varargs list */

