
The CRequest::binaryRead function retrieves the bytes that were read by an HTTP Post and places it into a buffer.

char * binaryRead(
size_t * count // how many bytes to read

Return Type

char *
Upon successful completion, a pointer that points to a buffer which contains the retrieved bytes is returned. Otherwise, NULL is returned.


A pointer that points to a value of type size_t. Before execution, this value specifies how many bytes to read from the client. After this function returns, count will contain the number of bytes successfully read from the client. The total number of bytes that will actually be read is less than or equal to the value returned by the CRequest::getTotalBytes function.


This function retrieves the bytes that were read by an HTTP Post and places it into a buffer. This function is used to read the raw data sent by the client as part of a POST request and it is used for low-level access to this data, as opposed to, for example, using the CRequest::getForm function view form data sent in a POST request.

Once this funtion has been called, any execution of CRequest::getForm, CRequest::getForms or CRequest::getFormNameValue function will cause an error. Conversely, once these CRequest::getForm* functions have been called, calling this function will cause an error.

See Also

CRequest, CRequest::getTotalBytes, CRequest::getForm, CRequest::getForms, CRequest::getFormNameValue
